To generate this file - or regenerate it if you have changed files - select the mod and click the "Regenerate Manifest" button on the Feral launcher. This is referred to as the 'manifest' for the mod. "Description": "Brief description of you mod goes here", This file you write yourself and it gives the name and description of the mod, a sample format is: Within Mod_Name folder you need the mod's data folder a modinfo.json and a filelist.json modinfo.json Within either Local Mods or My Mods you will then have a folder for Mod_Name. If you have a small C drive and need to relocate this elsewhere you can use a hard-link on your computer, hopefully, the launcher options will later allow an easier way to change directory locations! Mods in development can be placed in the 'Mods' folder either in Local Mods or My Mods, the full path to these folders is normally:Ĭ:\Users\YOURNAME\AppData\Local\Feral Interactive\Total War ROME REMASTERED\Mods\Local Mods\Mods_Name etc. Mods can be uploaded and used from the Steam Workshop, the placing of those mods on your computer will be determined by Steam and your library set-up, for example a mod's file could be in:ĭ:\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\885970\2471298638

6.3 Similarities to the original system:.