If you lost the product key, you can recover the product key easily via the Product Key Finder. Look how it displays the partial product key, this information is enough to identify which product key was used for this installation. Step 4: Even if the product key is cleared, you can still view the partial product key. Step 3: When it prompts that Product key has been cleared successfully. Step 2: In command prompt window, input the removing product key: slmgr /cpky command, and then press Enter. Command Prompt (Admin) window will pop up. Step 1: Open Command Prompt as administrator. To remove the product key from the registry to prevent it from being stolen. Hit CTRL + C if you'd like to copy the key. You'll see a popup window with your product key. Step 4: To run the script, double-click on the. Step 3: Now save the file using the extension.

KeyOutput = Mid(Chars, Cur + 1, 1) & KeyOutput MsgBox ConvertToKey(WshShell.RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\DigitalProductId")) Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Step 2: Then copy and paste in the following bit of code into a Notepad. Right-click on the blank area in Desktop or File Explorer, select New > Text Document. Step 1: Create a new Text Document on your computer. The following steps will show you how to create such a script. To view the Windows Product Key, you can use a Visual Basic (VB) script that retrieves the key from the registry.

How to Find Product Key using Notepad in Windows 10 Before you do this action, it's imperative to back up your product key in a secure location, in case you forgot or lost it. Remove the product key from the registry will prevent your product key from being stolen.

But this could leave it vulnerable to being stolen from disclosure attacks by malicious software.

When Windows 10 installed on your computer, it stored its product key in the registry. How to Remove Windows 10 Product Key from Registry